Steve Webb 0:02 Hello, and welcome Day 2 of the 2022 encore of the 2009 season of the Lifespring! Why Christmas show, hosted by James Cooper of perhaps the largest source of Christmas facts on the internet,, and me, Steve Webb, the OG Godcaster and host of over 3000 podcast episodes at Every day from now to christmas day, you’ll hear an episode from the 2009 season. If you’re not yet subscribed or following the show, you can do that at And if you enjoy the show and would like to give some value back, you can do so at And if you have one of those great new modern podcasts apps, you can stream sats and boost the show. For more information on that, go to Ok. Enough of the preamble. Here’s the show. Enjoy! Steve Webb 1:12 Welcome to the Lifespring why Christmas show day two. Remember we'll have a show a day right up to and including Christmas. I'm Steve Webb, and I'll be your host today as we discover why Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. There's certainly no date given in the Bible for the birthday of Jesus but Christmas was first celebrated on the 25th of December in the fifth century in the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine. The date was chosen because this was also the time of the winter solstice, the ancient pagan Roman midwinter festival called Saturnalia, and another Roman festival called Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, which means the birthday of the unconquered sun, as in that sun we see in the sky. In choosing December, Constantine took over the pagan celebrations and used them to celebrate the unconquered Son of God, Jesus the light of the world instead. So why the 25th of December? Well, the 25th of March was also a sacred day to the pagans when they celebrated the coming of spring and new life. The early Christians took over this day as the day when Mary was told by an angel that she would be the mother of Jesus. This is called the Annunciation in the church calendar and is still celebrated by many Christians on March 25. And what's nine months after March 25. Of course, December 25. To find out lots more about Christmas go to To hear more shows from Lifespring media, head on over to We'll see you tomorrow when James will tell you a bit about Christmas trees. Until then enjoy your Christmas season. For James Cooper wishing you all the best, I'm Steve Webb Transcribed by