Steve Webb 0:01 It's the Christmas Eve edition of the 2022 encore of the 2009 season of the Lifespring Why Christmas show hosted by James Cooper, creator of And me the OG Godcaster Steve Webb of I'll be recording the Christmas Day episode today at 6pm. Pacific time so if you'd like to be included in the drawing to win the autographed copy of Bryan Duncan's A NehoSoul Christmas CD, that's the deadline today 6pm pacific time to see the details on how to enter the drawing go to slash day nine to see how that's slash d ay y numeral nine no spaces. Somebody's going to win. It could be you. If you'd like to hear more of the Lifespring Why Christmas show next year cast your affirmative vote by making a donation at slash support. Tomorrow is Christmas day in the final episode of this year's Lifespring Why Christmas podcast. We'll see you then. James Cooper 1:10 Hello, and welcome to the Christmas Eve edition of the 2009 Lifespring Why Christmas show. Yes, it's nearly the big day, folks. It's Christmas Eve, which means one thing that means Santa has left the North Pole. And he's on his way around the world to delivering presents to girls and boys in his sleigh. Now, if you'd like to keep an update on him, that is a great site that you can go over to that it's hosted by Ernest elf who gets updates from Santa all the time, and he puts them on there. And the site you need to go to is Santa, that Santa James Cooper 1:44 And I've also got something very special to share with you on this Christmas Eve. Back in October. Sadly, my grandmother died. And when we were sorting through some of her things, we came across a poem written on a scrap of paper called Christmas Eve. Now no one's actually sure when she wrote this, but it's a lovely poem. And I thought it was very appropriate for me to read it to you today. Christmas Eve by Mary Cooper. James Cooper 2:07 On Christmas Eve, my mother read the story once again, of how the little child was born, and of the three wise men, and how by following the star, they found him where he lay and bought him gifts. And that is why we keep our Christmas Day. James Cooper 2:22 And when she read it all I went and looked across the snow and thought of Jesus coming as he did so long ago. James Cooper 2:30 I looked into the eastern saw a great star blazing bright. There were three wise men upon the road, or black against the light. James Cooper 2:38 I thought I heard the angels sing away upon the hill, I held my breath. It seemed as if the whole great world was still it seemed to me the little child was being born again. And very near and then somehow was now or now was then James Cooper 2:58 the words of the poem are on the show notes at Lifespring Why And also the Why Christmas blog. James Cooper 3:06 Whatever you're up to for the rest of the Christmas Eve I hope you have a great one. And remember to come back tomorrow for the Christmas Day. The show you can't miss when we'll be announcing the winner of the Bryan Duncan Christmas CD. James Cooper 3:18 Thanks for listening to the Christmas Eve edition of the Lifespring Why Christmas show and means Steve, we'll see you tomorrow. Transcribed by